Reply To: General Discussion

January 14, 2024 at 3:18 pm #794

Regarding Prof Olusola’s first question, “what is the current approach to teaching and learning?”
From my side, the current approach is still based on the traditional classroom where teachers are still regarded to be the sole providers of knowledge and their presence is a must. That model does not encourage autonomous learning nor does it encourage self- discovery and critical thinking. There is little interaction between students and less collaboration between colleagues and with the private sector.
It is still mono-disciplinary based on the accumulation of credits and is less oriented toward competence and transversal skills building. Therefore, our graduates have less employment opportunities because of the mismatch between the taught curriculum and the competences and skills required in the job market. In addition, the current approach places teachers at the center of knowledge creation and sharing. Consequently, learners are not actively involved in the learning process and are not co-creators of knowledge. Our universities reflect the passive reception of knowledge molded on what Paulo Freire calls “the banking conception of education” which not only maintains the submersion of the learners’ consciousness, but it also stifles the learner’s creative power and reduces him to a mere recipient and consumer of knowledge. Consequently our current educational system does not foster critical thinking and creativity which are necessary to address the many challenges that beset our country and many African countries as well.
Fatoumata Keita, University of Arts and Human Sciences of Bamako