HAQAA hosts the first online training session for the African Quality Assurance Agencies

African Quality Assurance Agencies

The first online training session for the African Quality Assurance Agencies, hosted by ENQA and with the support of the rest of the HAQAA3 implementing team, provided an overview of the ASG-QA and the review process. A session that was attended by staff members from CNAQ, Mozambique, and NCHE, Malawi.

The first part of the session was dedicated to explaining the HAQAA3 initiative to the participants as well as a conceptual introduction to harmonization, trust and Quality Assurance. An introduction that helped participants understand the spirit with which the Pan-African Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework (PAQAF) was developed and how agency reviews are organized.

And the second part of the training session for African Quality Assurance Agencies was more practical. We approached agency reviews and the review process based on the recently updated HAQAA3 agency review guidelines.

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